
Sian Hines - ReKindle Course Designer & Senior Relationship Specialist

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Hi, I'm Sian, born and bred in Southend, I'm qualified up to a level 6 diploma in Counselling Research in Narcissistic Shadows. I practise integrative counselling and have a PP called 'Therapy on Sea'.

Prior to being a fulltime counsellor I worked for the Department for Work and Pensions, then Rochford and Southend Councils. It was convenient but empty. I never felt like I fitted in there. Becoming a Mental Health First Aider at Southend Council was the first step into counselling which I now love.

I have two children, both girls and have been with my partner for over 20 years.

I have so many loves in life that keep me going:
My job....feeling lucky that I have found a job that I feel at one with after years of making myself fit.
Exercise and movement is important. I have done aerial arts for 9 years, I also love marathon hikes and running.
I adore dogs!
Tarot is a new and fun love for me.
Ice baths and learning.

Areas of Expertise

ReKindle Course Writer
Tutor & Senior Counsellor
Integratively trained - CBT/ Psychodynamic/ Gestalt/ Person Centred/ TA


£85.00 per Session (50min duration)
£140.00 for block booking of two sessions

Self Referral Private
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